
I'm Lucy, a therapist based in Poole Dorset who specialises in helping people who have experienced a bereavement or a non-person loss of something important to them such as a job, a relationship, a home or their health. I also help people who are struggling with stress, anxiety or depression and the many difficulties, both physical and emotional, these can cause.

When we face a life-changing loss or struggle with stress, anxiety and depression it can affect all areas of our lives from our work and relationships with others to how we see the world and ourselves. At times it can feel as if we'll never be able to rebuild our lives, or find our way through all the difficult thoughts, feelings and emotions that come up for us, but counselling really can help.

I know, from my own experience, how daunting it can be to reach out for support , particularly if therapy is something you've never done before, and if this is how you feel right now, I promise you're not alone. Just getting to this webpage means you've already come a long way and when you're ready to take the next steps, I'm here to walk them with you, one healing step at a time.

If you would like more information about the ways I can help you, please call, email or use the contact form in the pages below.

How I Can Help

Finding our way through what's happened to us can be difficult, particularly when we can't talk to others about our feelings or tell them about the thoughts and emotions we sometimes feel lost or stuck in. Sometimes it's hard to know ourselves how we really feel or be able to put those feelings into words.

In therapy, we can explore and work through those thoughts and feelings, one session at a time. Sometimes it's things from our past that affect how we think and feel about the future and sometimes it's how we think and feel about the future that affects how we think and feel now. Once we can see "the wood for the trees" we can work together to help you find new ways of looking at things, more helpful ways of thinking about things and different ways of being in the world that enable you to heal, move forward, rebuild your world and feel well again.

"We hurt where we care, and care where we hurt."

Stephen Hayes

Here are some of the other areas I can help with:





Carer support


Feeling sad

Generalised anxiety disorder (GAD)

Health anxiety

Low self-confidence

Low self-esteem

Mental health

Older people's counselling

Panic attacks


Separation and divorce

Social anxiety



Work-related stress

How I Work

We all experience things very differently and one way of working isn't always right for everyone all of the time. So that our work is always tailored to meet your individual needs and preferences, I often incorporate different counselling methods so that we're always working in the way that you feel is best for you. I can also offer CBT and Therapeutic Art Art Counselling and Mindfulness as stand alone therapies if these are ways of working you're particularly interested in.

We will only ever work at a speed that feels right for you and there is never any pressure to move faster in our sessions than you feel safe and comfortable going. It may be that you would like help to process and navigate feelings of loss or you might be looking for tools and techniques that help you make positive changes. Whatever you would like from therapy, our work together will always be a partnership, not someone giving you advice or telling you what to do which, however well intended, isn't always helpful. Instead, I will help you find your own answers by walking beside you and supporting you every step of the way.

As a member of the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy (BACP), I work to the highest professional standards to ensure your safety and wellbeing are always at the centre of everything we do.


What will happen when I contact you?

Finding a therapist who you feel is the right "fit" for you is really important so I offer a 30 min free initial telephone session where we will talk about what you'd like help with, the different ways I can do that and answer any questions you may have.

When you make an enquiry, I will contact you by telephone or email to arrange a time for the call that's helpful to you. If you have a preferred initial contact method, just let me know you'd like it to be by phone or email by popping it into your enquiry. We will then arrange a convenient date and time for our first session which can be in-person or remotely by telephone or Zoom.

How many sessions will I need?

Everyone is different so I will always be guided by you about how many sessions feels right for you and when you would like to bring our work to a close. Some people find it helpful to agree a set number of sessions at the start of our work whereas others prefer to leave it open and work session by session.

I'm interested in Person Centred Art Counselling, do I need to be good at drawing?

Not at all. This way of working is all about what the image you draw means and represents to you rather that what it looks like to anyone else. Drawing or doodling anything, whether it's a symbol, a shape or a few squiggly lines, all have meaning and can help us make sense of our feelings in ways that words on their own (if we can find the right words) often can't. It's also great fun which on it's own can be very therapeutic.

Can I change from in-person to online or Zoom appointments

Absolutely. I believe sessions should be as flexible as possible and meet your needs so if you'd like to change from in-person to phone or Zoom or vice versa, just let me know. I would just ask you to please give me 48 hours notice of the changes you would like to make.

What is your payment and cancellation policy

Payments are required a minimum of 24 hours in advance by bank transfer which confirms the appointment but if you're unable to do this for any reason, just let me know so we can agree alternative ways of making your payment. Cancellations require a minimum of 24 hours notice as this allows me to offer your appointment to someone else who may need it if you're unable to attend.


I currently have limited availability

I offer flexible appointments as I understand some people would like long term weekly, fortnightly or monthly support while others would find just a few sessions helpful to them. These sessions can be in-person, online, telephone or walk and talk and I also offer weekday evening and Saturday appointments


In-person, telephone and online sessions are £55.00 for a 50 minute session.

I offer concessions for trainee counsellors who are looking for personal therapy as part of the their course requirements. Appointments can either be in person or online at a rate of £40 per 50 minute session.

Walk & Talk

Walk and Talk sessions are £65 for a 50 minute session either in and around the beautiful Poole Park or along Poole's lovely quayside. I also offer walk and talk sessions in the grounds of Upton Country Park.

All walk and talk sessions are subject to availability and weather conditions. If adverse weather meant a walk and talk session couldn't go ahead, we would agree whether you'd prefer to reschedule the appointment or have a £55 in-person, telephone or online session instead.


I offer training workshops for organisations who would like to gain a better understanding of the impact of loss, grief and bereavement and increase their level of confidence in supporting colleagues, staff members, clients, customers or students who have experienced a bereavement.

For more information, please call or email via the online enquiry contact form below.

Get in Touch

Please contact me if you have any questions about how I can help you or to arrange an initial free of charge telephone appointment. Alternatively, you can call me in confidence on 07568 923506.

My Location

I am based in Poole, Dorset within easy reach of Upton, Hamworthy and Broadstone.

About Me

I started my training in 2017 after a long career as a senior manager in a large corporate organisation. Having experienced for myself how helpful therapy could be, I decided to train as a therapist so I could help people overcome some of the difficulties I'd needed help to get through in the past.

I've been providing therapeutic support since 2018, first as part of my training and after I fully qualified in 2020.

In addition to my private work here, I work as a counsellor in a hospice supporting patients, relatives and carers and run a gentle exercise class for a community charity. I have also worked as a placement counsellor in a cancer charity and in a GP surgery as a Health and Wellbeing coach.


Advanced Diploma in Integrative Counselling

Level 5 in Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT)

Certificate in Therapeutic Use Of Person Centred Creative Arts

Mindfulness Practitioner Certificate

Post Grad Diploma Counselling Children and Young People (8-18years)